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What Is an Apicoectomy?

Non-surgical root canal procedures are typically effective in treating most endodontic issues. However, there are instances where the infection may persist even after a root canal. In such cases, an endodontic surgical procedure known as an apicoectomy may be necessary. An apicoectomy, the most common form of endodontic surgery, involves the removal of the infected tissue and a small portion of the tooth's root, known as the apex. This targeted approach helps resolve the infection and promote healing.

When Do You Need an Apicoectomy?

An apicoectomy, a surgical procedure recommended by your Endodontist, may be necessary for various reasons. If your tooth canal is blocked or difficult to access, a conventional root canal may not effectively treat the issue. Additionally, an apicoectomy may be advised if you have anatomical irregularities, fractures, or cracks along the roots of the affected tooth. By addressing these specific circumstances, an apicoectomy can provide a targeted solution for your endodontic needs.

The Apicoectomy Procedure

Prior to your apicoectomy, diagnostic images will be ordered by your Endodontist to assess the severity of the infection and determine the suitability of the procedure for restoring your tooth. During the surgery, a local anesthetic will be administered to ensure your comfort. An incision will be made in your gum, exposing the infected tissue at the tooth's root. The infected tissue and tip of the root will be carefully removed, and any cracks or fractures will be examined.


After exposing the root, your endodontist will clean and examine the tooth's canal. Once cleaned, an bioceramic material will be used to fill the canal.


The entire apicoectomy procedure typically takes 30 to 45 minutes.


Following the surgery, you will be provided with post-operative instructions, which will include taking an anti-inflammatory medications and avoiding chewing in the area as the area heals. Dissolvable sutures will be placed.


An apicoectomy is a highly effective treatment that restores and saves an infected tooth when a conventional root canal is not feasible or successful. It is a long-lasting solution that can save you both money and future discomfort.

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